Hi there, Have you ever wondered why only too few people are successful? Many people work hard, they constantly chase for opportunities but still they have to spend and finish their careers with unsubstantial results. This is sad, so is the truth.
Like unsuccessful people, successful people chase for opportunities too, but what makes success scarce whereas mediocrity is abundant in professional careers?
Truth to be spoken, we are not really surprised the fact that not many people are successful. Success is in the end one of many other distributions in life and business which follow "trivial many, significant few" distribution. You can resemble this distribution, in almost all organisations 80% to 90% of revenues come from 10% to 20% of their clients. These clients which generate most of the revenues are significant few, and the rest are trivial many. If you are not familiar with such distributions google "pareto principle" later. For anyone who wants put a stone on another, pareto principle is a gem to figure out how the world functions. It will help you a lot.
We worked a lot to identify the most significant common dominator of successful people which differentiates them from the crowd. We wanted to find out what makes successful people among significant few. After hundreds of interviews and mail exchanges with our successful students from International DevOps Certification Academy we noticed that they have a unique but a distinct way to look at opportunities around them. It is a matter of how they perceive and deal with opportunities. They don't ask "What is in it for me?", but they ask "How can I help others with it?". They don't ask "How much profit would it bring to me?", but they ask "How can I serve a big benefit to my clients in a way that they can't get it anywhere else?".
Just think about this small perspective tuning when you next time hit a job or business opportunity or any opportunity you want to follow for your personal needs and desires. It won't happen from today to tomorrow, but we are confident that this perspective will very soon put you among other significant fews. If you don't want to become one of trivial many, don't follow the crowd by only focusing on you. Focus on your people. They are the only ones to make you one of significant few.
Join Successful Students with International DevOps Certification Academy
With this opportunity, I wish happy holidays for you and for your loved ones and let's have a wonderful year in 2017 with health, happiness, personal fulfilment and success in business!!
Take care and let's be successful in the process. :)
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International DevOps Certification Academy is an independent Institute which helps IT Organizations and Professionals get accredited with worldwide renowned and recognized Official DevOps Certifications and prove their competence in DevOps domain.
Your Official Certified DevOps Generalist, DevOps Executive, DevOps Project Manager, DevOps Product Owner, DevOps Architect, DevOps Developer, DevOps Operations Engineer, DevOps Quality Assurance Engineer, DevOps Information Security Engineer, DevOps Release Manager, DevOps Trainer and DevOps Coach Certification Programs have proven their worldwide Acceptance and Reputation by being the choice of more than 994,700 DevOps Professionals in 143 Countries.
DevOps is an open Software Development and Delivery Framework, and yet before International DevOps Certification Academy was founded for you, there has been no reasonable way for DevOps Professionals like yourself to obtain DevOps Certifications and to prove your competence in DevOps domain. DevOps Professionals had to pay expensive fees for the one way profit-driven DevOps Certification Programs of other DevOps Certification Entities.
International DevOps Certification Academy aims to remove these barriers set in front of the DevOps Professionals in developed and emerging markets by saving them from paying unreasonable fees for DevOps Classroom Trainings and DevOps Certification Examinations before they certify their knowhow in DevOps. Moreover, feel free to check out "What makes Your DevOps Certifications Best of the Industry?" section on our Home Page to read why we perform and serve you far more better than our competition.
International DevOps Certification Academy provides 12 major Official Online DevOps Certification Programs which are designed by our consortium of renowned Business and People Leaders, DevOps Coaches, Mentors, Experts and Authorities from all major Industries. Let's check out About Us page to find out more about your worldwide renowned and recognized DevOps Certifications.
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Hi there, Let's be all together extremely honest today!
In the world of IT without DevOps, development and operations teams do usually conflict. End-to-end quality assurance of required client features and benefits first start after development team begins to work on a completely different project. Information security and production readiness audits are conducted the day before the planned production roll-out ...
Join This Discussion >>Date: 21st May 2024
Location: Offices of International DevOps Certification Academy™ (Wollerau, Switzerland)
Hi there,
Many thanks for coming our page to read this short letter where we articulate 8 reasons why International DevOps Academy™ serves you far more better than its competitors.
During our live DevOps classes and preparation courses of DevOps certification programs, we have figured out that there is a single question that we never miss. So today, I decided to bring this short post together to answer this question. This question is: “What are differences between DevOps and Scrum?”. Also known as "DevOps vs Scrum Comparison".
Join This Discussion >>I thank you very much for coming to watch this recording!
Click the video on blog page to watch the recording of our free live class from 07 February 2019.
Our typical approach is to present organisational and moral benefits of DevOps. How instantly DevOps would enhance our teams and excel the interactions within our organisation and with our client ecosystem. How wonderfully our companies would serve customer-oriented products and services.
Is this really the correct approach? Is it better to highlight benefits of adopting DevOps or the cost of not adopting?
Join This Discussion >>Dear Friends and Colleagues,
For the last few weeks we worked hard for you to make this revamp happen. If you are curious to know how International DevOps Certification Academy uses Scrum, here are two simple facts for you which may be also a benchmark for your own software development and delivery projects.
Join This Discussion >>The role of a Scrum Master is one of many stances and diversity. A great Scrum Master is aware of them and knows when and how to apply them, depending on situation and context. Everything with the purpose of helping people understand and apply the Scrum framework better.
Join This Discussion >>The term ‘Meeting’ brings to our mind an atmosphere where a group of people are sitting together to discuss serious issues: Some sitting bored and uninterested; some staring blankly trying hard to get a grasp of what are being discussed; and still some aggressively trying to prove their point. However, with changing times and methodologies, with pressure to meet deadlines, with time constraints, with increasing competition and with the need to stay a step ahead, there arose a new face of meetings- ‘The Scrum Meetings’ or more commonly known as ‘The Daily Scrum Meetings’.
Join This Discussion >>There is so much more to be a software tester than merely logging bugs and testing to identify errors. There are inspiring examples of Agile working environments. Software testers have there the privilege to work as part of development teams which are like working on a movie set with the writers and producers. The testers work with everyone on the team, from the Junior Programmers to the Senior Project Leaders and inventors to continuously improve and build quality into the products and services.
Join This Discussion >>You are moving from the world of fixed nouns towards a world of fluid verbs. Within the next years you will continue taking solid things -such as a car or a jacket- and turning them into intangible verbs. Your products are becoming your services and processes. With high doses of built-in technology, your car is becoming a service, continuously updated set of benefits adapting to your own usage and feedback, fierce competition and global innovation.
Join This Discussion >>Hi there, I love that you're here because one of my favourite things to do is take a smart professional and lifetime student like yourself and make you become even more successful.
It's something that I practice in my own career, of course, but I love helping others too.
Join This Discussion >>Hi there, I hope I found you well and healthy. I am writing you about a subject that I was thinking since long time to write about it. Today is the day. :)
Are you looking for PDUs (Professional Development Units) to get or maintain a degree?
You shouldn't. Here is why? Because PDU is a byproduct of Lock-In Business Model, and this business model badly takes advantage of students.
Join This Discussion >>Are you good at business models?
Of course you are. We know all about business models, don’t we?
A lifetime as a consumer and almost a lifetime as a professional we all believe that we are well proficient in business models. We don’t hesitate more than a second to give our opinion if a business idea will work or not. And we are very generous to give our feedback how a company can perform better. But do we really have enough insights about business models?
Join This Discussion >>Many thanks for coming our page to read this short letter where we articulate 8 reasons why Scrum Institute serves you far more better than its competitors.
Before we deep dive details of this letter, let’s make it clear that we want to truly acknowledge your continuous support and trust in Scrum Institute, https://www.scrum-institute.org.
Without you, your engagement and your loyal support, International Scrum Institute could not come where it’s today!
Here come 8 shocking secrets you should know about why International Scrum Institute serves you far more better than its competitors…
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